Your Relationship with ‘You’

Your Relationship with 'You' It can be extraordinarily hard to 'fit' into the way of the world and it can literally feel like you are carrying yourself around like a large gift that you simply know you should have but have no idea what to do with. Many young people…

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Expectations We all have expectations within the relationships that we have. Whether the relationships are personal, professional or community there is always expectation. Being able to explore, identify, share and negotiate expectations can reduce conflict and in some cases avoid it entirely. Before you go into a serious relationship where…

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Perspective Photo credit Benny Jackson on Unsplash There's my perspective and our perspective and then the world's perspective. The word perspective is how we 'see' a situation based on our own knowledge, feelings and experience. If you have a spare 20 minutes watch this clip, it has a very clear…

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